As you start your first years in college, you may be overwhelmed with all the opportunities and events that will be provided to you in your Freshman year. For many of us, orientation week was one of the craziest times of our lives (so far) and we thought that college would be all fun.
Unfortunately, that was the mindset many of our friends, and many future Freshmen, will have. They think that college is supposed to be the best years of your life. If you do not make the most out of it, if you don't get a girlfriend/boyfriend or wife/husband, if you aren't partying every weekend, then you are not living the college experience. Even as students studying a relatively "Nerdy" major, this enticing lifestyle was hard to resist. You are stuck studying a hard major with high expectations of getting a good GPA (by good I'm talking 3.8+), but you don't want to miss all the fun that college throws at you. In other words, the fear of missing out (FOMO) slowly engulfs you.
Something I learned, however, was a phenomenon known as the butterfly effect. The butterfly effect states that any action you take now, or don't take, would affect things in the far future in ways you may never anticipate. The compounding effect, most apparent in investing (which our session goes through), is very real in the choices you make in college. Our team at Antallege Advice has graduated, and we have seen the various outcomes that our friends have ended up in. Some of our friends who got mediocre GPA found it ever harder to get into a good graduate school. Some were not able to get the high paying job many of us are in. Some even had a criminal record from underage drinking. I even know someone who graduated and was not prepared at all with the hardship life would through at you. High rent, inflation, debt, recessions are just a few of the challenges that he had to face, but he could not avoid like he could in college.
What I am trying to say is you can either sacrifice the pain now, or you can let it engulf you when you are 30 or 40. And trust me, that is not a position you would want to be.
As you attend college, you would soon realize how easy it is to delay the price you have to pay for any of the actions you do. This illusion is something you need to resist if you want to place yourself in what we would call "an ever improving quality of life"
The more you do now, the easier you life would be in the long term. A good GPA opens more doors, gets you into a good grad school or job, which in turn opens more doors for you. If you want to speedrun to retirement, this is the first and arguably the most important step (think the butterfly effect)
So what now? Our strategy at Antallege primarily focuses on how you can maximize your chances of getting a top GPA to open these doors. BUT, we are very aware that college is not all studying. The hard part is balancing academics, social life, and well-being. We all want to get straight As in the least amount of effort (as long as it is legal), and that is what we will show you.